#78: To Loc or Not to Loc, That is the Question

Women and their hair. If it's straight, we want it curly. If it's curly, we want it straight. Never did I think that after nine years of being relaxer-free I would be considering locking my coils. I guess even us kinky haired girls wonder if the grass is greener on the other side of the Natural hair lawn.

#78 To Loc or Not to Loc, That is the Question - www.shalandaleigh.com

Wash-and-Go hair is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of dreadlocks. The thought of never having to detangle my hair brings so much joy to my heart. It's the most stressful step of my wash day routine. Even more so since I'm currently growing out my heat damaged hair from the straightening my Winter flat ironing routine.

Hair straightening...that leads me to yet another pro of locing my hair. My true length will show without the use of heat. I'm aware that there is some shrinkage in the first year of locing but I believe I can live with that for the time being.

Take a gander at the picture above in the bottom left corner. Those are twists done on hair damaged by my flat iron. The picture to the bottom right are twists done on hair not damaged by heat. Looks like I may have some dense locs in my future.

If you remember, I've finally found my Holy Grail hair products and can't imagine being without them. But if I were to loc my hair, I would have to learn what products do and don't work on my hair. Ugh! I'm not sure if I'm ready to go on that scavenger hunt again! Perhaps it won't be as bad as I think. So far from my research most people seem to do fine with shampoo, flax seed gel, and natural oils.

Other cons? The inability to have curly afro puffs or other loose haired styles. The cost of re-tightening my locs.

As you can see I'm like 70 percent in favor of locs.  Perhaps after consulting with a loctician I will have a better feeling about my final decision.

Wish me luck!

How is your Natural hair journey going? Going strong or in need of a drastic change?