DIY French Manicure: You Only Need Seven Dollars & Seven Minutes

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In 2018 I religiously went to the nail salon every three weeks for a DIP manicure. Despite the claims of DIP being “healthier” for your nails when compared to gel or acrylic, I noticed my real nails becoming more brittle and sensitive after each visit.

And this wasn’t a cheap service either! Including tax and tip, this almost monthly expenditure of $70 was something that squeezed my already tight budget even tighter. So at the start of 2019, I decided to forgo my nail salon appointments and embrace the world with bare nails. My bank account was thankful but I felt as though something was missing. Painting my nails myself would just be a waste of time due to bath time with my daughter, the never ending dishes in my sink and other duties of both #momlife and #teacherlife.

It wasn’t until I found myself in the beauty section of Wal-Mart about two months ago that I noticed the section of press-on nails. “How cute.” I thought to myself. But then a light bulb came on. What if…I mean what if… I could really make these work for me. The damage to my nails should be minimal and the price point of of around seven dollars per set was right up my alley. I purchased a pair and couldn’t get home quick enough to try them out.

It only took me about 24 hours to realize why press-on nails aren’t poppin’ in the beauty community. It’s because they always poppin’ off! But wait…there’s Amazon. A quick search and after reading a few dozen of reviews I purchased the Nailene Ultra Quick Nail Glue and a Kiss Products Everlasting French Petite Nail Kit. What was life like before Prime shipping? You know what? Don’t remind me.

Pictured below I’m wearing my 2nd pair of press-on nails from Kiss and I’m in love. I call them the $7.00 seven minute manicure because (1) that’s about the average price per kit and (2) that’s how long it takes to find the correct the size for each of your finger and then glue them on. With the last pair, the nails wore about two and a half weeks without any nails coming off voluntarily. Instead I had to soak the nails off in nail polish for about a minute or two due to the strength of the Nailene glue. I plan to go a little more daring with my next pair of either these matte navy blue stilettos or these soft pink and marble with the bling.

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I love when I’m able to find ways to live the life that I dream of despite any time or budget restraints I may have. I’m praying that you’re doing the same.

Any beauty tips or tricks you would like to share? Feel free to comment below! I would love to hear from you!