My Take on the #NoMakeupMakeup Look

* Disclaimer: This post has been sitting in my draft folder since November 2018. Almost two years ago! I promised myself I would finish and publish all my drafts so that I can start fresh without the feeling of things hanging in the balance. I have to stop letting life get in the way of my creativeness.*

I believe it was around the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy that I first began my beauty routine without the use of foundation. For those who didn’t know, pregnancy increases blood circulation. That increase in blood flow can, and did in my case, cause the face to appear much lighter in complexion. Yes, I could have purchased a new foundation shade but the contrast between my face and body was just too much for me.

Fast forward three years later and I still haven’t gotten back to using foundation. Living in Florida makes it tricky to be loyal to one shade. A few days of being out in the sun longer than 15 minutes and you are totally tanned…even for a Black girl.

Remember this post on my favorite beauty products of 2017? Most of these products I have repurchased and continue to use daily (well at least until COVID-19 turned the world upside down). The simplicity of the routine is what’s key for me. Even skin tone, full brows and banging lashes! I plan to write about my step-by-step routine soon but ya girl has completely fell off the “Get Ready with Me Morning Routine” bandwagon. Can you believe I haven’t worn make-up since early March?!

The picture on the left was taken outside. No makeup whatsoever.

The picture on the right is my take on a "full face” look minus lipstick. I always wait until after I finish breakfast before applying such.

Before and After of No Makeup Makeup Look.png

But now I have to ask as I prepare to return to work in January from my personal leave of absence (damn you again COVID). Ladies are we wearing make-up underneath our masks or nah? I have a few products in mind that I need to repurchase but not sure if it’s worth it if the people can’t get the full view.

Make-up under our masks…yay or nay?